9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

Location: 1801 California Street, Denver, Colorado

The annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb is a way for firefighters to participate in a special event where we can get together and tell each other and the rest of the world that we will Never Forget. The stair climb was chosen as a venue for two reasons: the first reason is that the FDNY firefighters on 9/11 were forced to climb the stairs to rescue and evacuate people and to reach the fire floors. The second reason is a commitment to firefighter safety through better fitness.

Participants must be firefighters, and should be in top physical condition, as this is an extremely demanding stair climb. Participants are encouraged to wear your full turnouts, SCBA, and carry a piece of equipment used for high-rise fires (ie: 2.5" hose pack or a forcible entry tool). However, you may participate in turnouts without equipment, or wearing gym shorts, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. Remember: THIS IS NOT A RACE!

For those looking to really test themselves, we will climb the first 55 flights carrying equipment, leave the equipment in the basement, and then go on air for the second 55 flights - to simulate arriving at a fire floor, and going to work.

Firefighter participants will be grouped into companies for safety purposes. Bring plenty of water and/or other drinks, and make sure that you thoroughly hydrate before, during, and after the climb. There will be staggered start times with the first team going shortly after 0900.

We will share a moment of silence before the stair climb at 0900. After completing the climb, individual teams will celebrate with a bottle of water or Gatorade on the roof. This is also a great photo opportunity for you and your team.

Page Last Updated: Sep 21, 2022 (14:38:45)
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9/11 Memorial Denver Stair Climb


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